b'reduce fowl odorscoop control coop-control cuts down the smell in your EASY TO USEcoop and reduces the number of ies pestering Sprinkle evenly across the coop to a depthyour ock. Too many ies cause stress on chickens, no greater than 1/8. Replace when odorswhich can result in lower egg production. return. Use rate dependent on numbers ofchickens and amount of waste.less ies = happly chickens producing happy eggs!coop-control is also good for your soil, it has a lowdensity and benets areas with dense soils byincreasing drainage and aeration.coop-control KEY BENEFITS:item #15015sprinkle in chicken pendry volume 1 gallonto minimize odors 97% bio-based organic carbon safe for chickens to ingestvideoWAREMFGINC.COM|PHOENIX, AZ. 85009|602.257.8803 15'