b'all natural chewsnatural critterpops, small flavorfulitem 14046,12 pc chew, fun 5.25 x .75 x 7.5for furry mstr. 72 inr. 12 friendsall naturalvegetable coloringnatural crittercrispypops, large crunchy item 14045,6 pc chew 5.25 x .75 x 9treat that entertains hanginghangingmstr. 72 inr. 12 crittersfestive bunch festive chewall natural item 10305 item 10304 vegetable 3 x 1.25 x 9.75 3 x 3 x 9 coloringmstr. 48 inr. 6 mstr. 48 inr. 6festive chew mix item 10301 assorted 5 x 1.75 x 7.5 piecesmstr. 72 inr. 12 made fromnaturalwood and loofahall naturalvegetable coloringhealth-emade with ground box-o-donuts timothy hay, ground carrots, item 13132,12 pc ground pumpkin, 3.125 x .75 x 4and ground sweet mstr. 48 inr. 12 potatohanginghanging all natural loofah bunch star bunch vegetable coloringitem 10302 item 103033 x 1.25 x 9.75 3.5 x 1.25 x 9mstr. 48 inr. 6 mstr. 48 inr. 645'