b'corrugated cat scratcherscorrugated replacement scratcheritem 12001,single 2 pk17.75 x 4.5 x 1.75mstr. 24item 12002, regular 2 pk18.75 x 7.25 x 1.75mstr. 127 91611 12002 6item 12003, double 2 pk17.25 x 9.5 x 1.75mstr. 12encouragesreturn customers for economical replacementscorrugated sit-n-scratchitem 12014, single18.25 x 5.25 x 2mstr. 24item 12016, regular19.5 x 7.75 x 2.25mstr. 24item 12015,double18.25 x 10 x 2mstr. 12add some catnip to thecorrugate and your cat will go wild! even declawed cats loveto knead cardboardthe most economicalscratchers on earth! uses 12001uses 12002uses 12003 replacementreplacementreplacement scratcher scratcher scratcher60'