b'critter chewsroll-n-corn roll-n-carrot crazy carrot toyitem 17005 item 17003 item 030204 x 1.5 x 6.5 4 x 1.5 x 6.5 3.5 x 3.5 x 9.75 mstr. 72 inr. 12 mstr. 72 inr. 12 mstr. 72 inr. 127 91611 17005 2 7 91611 17003 8critter poweredgives a new twist to critter powered carrot shapedplaytimeplaytimepet chew toynatural pine and helps overcome solid woodApproved colorscage boredomconstructioncritter totter atomic ball fiesta flowersitem 14026 item 03227,large item 130403 x 3 x 7.75 4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 3 x 2.25 x 11.25 mstr. 72 inr. 4 mstr. 72 inr. 12 mstr. 72 inr. 127 91611 14026 0 7 91611 13040 7new twist to thenaturally safe to traditional ball chewhealthy playtime activity helpscombination ofapproved food overcome boredom and preventsnatural wood andcolorsdestructive behavior surprise inside natural woodhangerbraided chew colorfulcrisp-e-chewitem 13055 chew rings item 130434 x .5 x 9.75 item 13068,6 pc 3.5 x 3.5 x 10.5mstr. 72 inr. 4 4 x 1 x 5.75mstr. 72 inr. 12mstr. 72 inr. 47 91611 13055 17 91611 13068 1perfect fornatural sun-driedchewtime funcritters chew circlesleaf material around these colorful chew toys perfect texture colorful corn husk chew with a fun twist for pets to pick up a cool combination of crunchy chew& play encourages healthy activity toys and fabulous fun party chews chew ka-bob health-e-coneitem 17164 item 13049 (w/ timothy hay)2 x 2 x 2 3 x 3 x 9 item 13097 mstr. 72 inr. 12mstr. 72 inr. 4 5 x 5 x 5.5 mstr. 48 inr. 127 91611 17164 6 7 91611 13049 0a crispy crop ofcrunchy ball filledwith confetti chewtime textures made from highfiber timothy hayencourages healthyperfect combinationactivity of chew materials provides a safeincludes solid wood, hiding place for helps promote dental health crispy loofa, andsmall petsnatural pine cone41'