b'critter chewscritter picnickrunchy basket karrotitem #13137 item 130303.75 x 3 x 5.5 4 x .5 x 6.5mstr. 48 inr. 6 mstr. 48 inr. 12picnic basketfilled withcute, fun chewwood andsafe food grade pumice items shaped like yourcoloringfavorite picnic itemsincludes 5 items newkrunchytimothykapoksunflower pyramid kubeitem 13094 item 10413 item 104124 x .5 x 6.5 3.75 x 2.25 x 8 3.75 x 2 x 8mstr. 48 inr. 12 mstr. 24 inr. 4 mstr. 24 inr. 4wooden hookcan hang innaturally crispy allows securecageplacementstuffed with safe food grade stuffed withkapokcoloring timothy hay fun to chewkrunchy krunchy swirl donut bananaitem 13078item 130324 x 1 x 6.5 4 x .5 x 6.5 mstr. 48 inr. 12 mstr. 48 inr. 12safe food gradecute, fun chew coloring safe food gradefun design coloring health-ehealth-ekrunchy lovedonut shroom item 13095item 13076 item 130924 x .5 x 6.54 x .5 x 6.5 2.75 x 2 x 8 mstr. 48 inr. 12mstr. 48 inr. 12 mstr. 48 inr. 12naturally crispycrunchy fun chew made from high safe food grade fiber timothy hayencouragescoloring healthy chewingsafe chew for allbehavior small animals39'