b'critter chewshealth-ehealth-ehealth-e gua-va peachy cadoitem 10400 item 10401 item 104024 x .75 x 6.5 4 x 1 x 6.5 4 x 1 x 6.5mstr. 48 inr. 4 mstr. 48 inr. 4 mstr. 48 inr. 4crunchy, crispy crunchy fun chew crunchy fun chewchewmade with groundmade with groundmade with ground timothy and raffia timothy and raffiatimothy haynaturally crispy naturally crispy fun shapehealth-ehealth-esnack-e sackakorn karrots item 10411item 10403 item 10407 3.75 x 2 x 55 x 1.25 x 5 5 x 1 x 6 mstr. 24 inr. 4mstr. 48 inr. 4 mstr. 48 inr. 4fun chew with fun shaped made with groundtimothy haychewtimothy hay perfect made with encouragescombination of healthy chewingtimothy haychew materialsbehavior and ground carrotshealth-ehealth-ehealth-e muffin treat kone kabobitem 10404 item 10405 item 104064 x 2 x 6.5 4 x 2 x 6.5 3.75 x 3 x 13mstr. 48 inr. 4 mstr. 48 inr. 4 mstr. 24 inr. 4fun timothy crunchy timothy chew can hang chew in cage provides ato keep in encourages variety ofplacechewinghealthy chewing materials behavior made with ground carrots and ground timothy hayso much health-eto chew. wreath endless item 10410 hours of 3.75 x .75 x 12 healthy mstr. 24 inr. 4 chewingcrunchy fun chew hangs in cage made with ground timothy had37'