b'premium +rabbit hutchespremium+ hutch slide-out plastic pan makespremium+ hutchslide-out plastic pan makeslarge these hutches EZ to clean medium these hutches EZ to cleanitem 01516, 48 designed to be used outdoors,item 01515, 36designed to be used outdoors, 46.5 x 24 x 34.5 | mstr. 1 in the garage or on the patio 36 x 24 x 34.5 | mstr. 1waterproof shingle roof in the garage or on the patiowaterproof shingle rooffull opening roof top for EZ accessfull opening roof top for EZ access +premium designed to be easily moved backyard hutch around the yardperfect for rabbits, ferrets, item 01533 53.5 x 24.5 x 21 guinea pigs and chickensmstr. 1 perfect combination of acage and playpenover 7 square feet of livingspace easy access handles for movinghutch easilycleaning double hutchmade easy designeasy accesseasy access anywhereanywhere double decker housespremium+2 rabbitsslide-out floor double decker 2 times the space in abuilt in nest box item 015182 level hutch46 x 24 x 41premium+ bunny barn 2 level home includesmstr. 1 designed for multipleitem 01519lower level pasture pets37.5 x 31.5 x 47 bunny barn offerscan be used outdoors,mstr. 1 premium features in ain the garage or on outdoor home the patio17'