b'heavy duty rabbit hutches & accessorieseasy accessinside hutchlarge rabbit hutch double rabbit hutchitem 01550item 01551 42.5 x 28.25 x 39 47.75 x 34.5 x 48mstr. 1 mstr. 1easy access lift open rooftopinside hutch easy accesswith locking hingesinside hutchquality materials perfect hutch forold-down hop-way doormultiple petsfdesign galvanized slide-out pangalvanized slide-out panlift open hinged roof topfull opening roof top foreasy accesseasy accessanywhere slide-outwaterproof shingle roofmetal pull panwood rabbit denitem 01569 15 x 12 x 12mstr. 1durableeasy access woodinside hutchhideout fits any cage or wood hutchnesting boxesshipped fully item 01570,smallitem 01571, large assembled durable woodand 9 x 16.5 x 9.5 11.25 x 21 x 10mstr. 1 construction mstr. 1 ready to use shipped fully assembledcan be securelyand ready toattached a hutchuse18'